We are so proud to announce the release of our latest brand campaign, #TooDTalks. This series of magazine covers, featuring our entire collection, demonstrates how the beauty and media industry can promote a non-toxic world.

In November of 2021, our founder Shari Siadat was on set, admiring the hairstyle of one of her models, Genesis, who wore a pink braided heart on the side of her head. Knowing the core of the brand’s mission is fueled by the exploration of radical self-love, this visual sparked the idea for TooD Talks.
“TooD is in the business of helping you connect with you,” Siadat says. “By offering the tools and paints for that journey of self-exploration and discovery, I hope the TooD community feels safe to unapologetically embrace whatever version of themselves they want to be at any given moment.”
To bring this vision to life, Siadat teamed up with former Seventeen Magazine Editor-in-Chief and CosmoGIRL! founder Atoosa Rubenstein to concept and execute 6 “covers,” all of which highlight the key tenets of TooD: beauty, mental health, spirituality, and the environment.
“Shari is not only an impressive female founder, she's Persian - like me, and a true visionary,” Atoosa says. “When this first came on my radar, to be honest, I hadn't heard of the brand. But as I heard the mission, tried the product and saw where she saw the brand going, I was honestly kind of floored. This is exactly the kind of energy I want to be aligned with....honestly, it's the kind of energy anyone would want to align with. The products and the people are super high vibe, creative and fun. It's like a party you are dying to get invited to...and you're also welcome at. The Burning Man of cosmetics. Everyone is welcome. Count me in! I also love connecting with my former readers in a new way and this was a really fun way to do it - both in terms of the team at TooD but also their customers. It's taking the nostalgia piece and using it as rocket fuel for something new and futuristic.”
The photoshoot, creative directed by Siadat, features each model wearing TooD on one part of their body. “I believe in a world where there is no amount of makeup that can cover up for the lack of self-love. It was essential for this campaign that we showed the beauty of being as we are, with makeup being used to amplify – not cover up – who we are.”
Atoosa worked hand-in-hand with the TooD team to create the cover lines and overall look and feel of what a TooD Talks magazine would look like, using her teen magazine background references as inspiration.
“Sitting with the TooD team reminded me of really fun times at CosmoGIRL! And Seventeen,” Atoosa says. Just thinking big, throwing crazy ideas against a wall and seeing what sticks. There's something magical that can happen when a group of naughty women get together with the hopes of changing the status quo. Honestly, our first meeting felt like the first gathering of a coven. That reminded me of the old publishing days: Getting together, laughing, breaking rules, changing the world. What more could I ask for?” These images are just the beginning. Stemming from the project, TooD will begin a series of conversations, led by Siadat around the issues the brand knows its consumers care about: dismantling harmful beauty standards, working towards a cleaner, more sustainable world, and mental health.
Cast & Crew
Photography by Kimber Capriotti
Makeup by Kento Utsubo
Hair by Dylan Chavles
Models: Shari Siadat, Genesis Vega, Izzy Davison, Dupe Oluwalade, Celia Pardo, Tory
Tolbert, Zoe May Nicewander, Minami Gessel, Erika Guzman-Soto